Julkisen sosiologian projekti/Julkinen sosiologia 2021 / Public sociology 2021/Lainaukset 19.04.2021

"To quote Appadurai, young people have ‘the right to the tools through which any citizen can systematically increase that stock of knowledge which they consider most vital to their survival as human beings and to their claims as citizens’ [54], and in this study I have not shared methodological tools with young people as co-researchers. As I have argued elsewhere, it is imperative that researchers develop youth-centred and participatory research on the climate strikes." (Bowman 2020, 5).

"Activism in no walk in the park" (Bowman 2020, 11).

“This means that emotion is the driver of action; that merely knowing something is not enough to achieve acting upon that knowledge. One needs to ‘feel’ the knowledge in order to be moved to act by it (see Roeser, 2012).” (Kleres & Wettergren 2017, 508.) -JA

“it (climate change) lacks the ‘moral shock effect’ (Jasper, 1998, Kleres & Wettergrenin 2017 mukaan) that would disrupt the social organization” (em. 512) -JA

"Young environmental activism must be understood in the context of broader political movements and conceptualized with intersecting oppressions in mind. " (Bowman 2020, 3) -IK

"In the consideration of climate change, it identifies (and celebrates) young people as those who ‘admirably display civic engagement [4], and whose role is to tell decision-makers to ‘listen to science’. The engagement approach excludes them from making decisions. It limits young people to roles of consuming scientific knowledge, but not holding knowledge or producing it." (Bowman 2020, 10) -IK

"This means that emotion is the driver of action; that merely knowing something is not enough to achieve acting upon that knowledge. One needs to ‘feel’ the knowledge in order to be moved to act by it (see Roeser, 2012) (Kleres & Wettergen 2017, 508) - IK

"Emotions orient action but different emotions shape the subject’s sense of agency and thereby action in different ways (Barbalet, 1998)"(Kleres & Wettergren 2017, 509)

"Young people are a subaltern group and categories of marginalization intersect. In this case, the marginalization of the complexity – and specifically, the obscuration of environmental justice in favour of more narrow, mainstream environmentalist concept – coincides with the marginalization of young people as political agents." (Bowman 2020, 9)

"In our interviews, non-acute fear appears in its capacity to alert activists against the future threat, but activists also speak of the potentially paralyzing effects of fear." (Kleres & Wettengren 2017, 517)

“The ambiguity of drawing on ‘negative’ emotions in mobilization suggests a strategic alignment with the neoliberal emotional regime that views anger and guilt (and their political implications) with suspicion.” (Kleres & Wettergren 2017, 515)

“‘Climate justice and equality’ is lost, but ‘listen to the science’ is retained, and in doing so, young environmentalist demands are recast in the familiar ‘narrowly constructed, technocratic, and dehistoricized ways’ of the mainstream environmental movement [8].” (Bowman 2020, 4)

"Each participant positioned themselves into a complex social arrangement with respect to various others. Drew referred to everyone and to everyone having a say, and illustrates a characteristic observed at the strike that climate strikers frequently spoke of horizontal structures, togetherness, and unity in sharing. Mickey spoke of future grandchildren ‘however many years in the future’ as well as parents, siblings and the self, and represents the complex negotiation of positions and especially generational positions. Mickey also made a specific mention of ‘systematic oppression’, and many climate strikers call for environmental justice." (Bowman 2020, 9.)

"The action alternatives depending on attribution of responsibility highlight how fear can transform into anger through the ascription of guilt. Guilt signals the self’s excess use of power over another (Kemper, 2001). Anger results from the experience of having one’s status withdrawn (Kemper, 2001) – e.g. through the breach of cherished norms/values – or encountering obstacles to one’s desired actions. When someone else is made responsible for the source of fear, guilt is ascribed to the other for the excess/wrongful use of power that causes the source of fear (Barbalet, 1998)." (Kleres & Wettergren 2017, 509.)