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  • 12. helmikuuta 2024 kello 08.16 2001:14bb:ae:a39d:bdae:730:ea1e:9852 keskustelu loi sivun Digitaalinen sosiologia 2024/Lainaukset 12.02.2024 (Ak: Uusi sivu: "Key here are practices of “openness” and “sharing,” which Weller (2011: 7) sees as technical features of new digital technologies as well as a “state of mind” for the people who are using them." (Selwyn 2019, 109-110) "Digital sociology is not a field that fits easily into traditional notions of what “sociology” is." (Selwyn 2019, 110) "Digital sociology could therefore be seen as an inclusive field of study that operates around (and in between) traditional...)