Introduction to RSS


RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a means of getting information on topics of your choice directly to your computer. RSS enables users to subscribe to a variety of diferent internet sites (e.g. News sites, weather information, new product information, political briefings, and importantly in this context - blog entries etc) and have new information from these site sent directly to you. Having an RSS feed set up means that you do not have to visit numerous different sites to find out they do not have any new information on them. Instead, your RSS fead reader will store the new information in one central site.

For the purposes of this course (and more specifically for the those undertaking the Blogs option), you will be asked to create a RSS Feed Reader and use it to link to colleagues blogs.

Examples of different RSS Feed Readers


As with most technologies in the Web 2.0 Arena, there are a number of different freely available RSS Feed Readers. Listed below are details of a number of common RSS Feed Readers.
