Kasvatus ja yhteisresurssit/Klassikoita
- Dewey, John, Democracy and Education s:en:Democracy_and_Education, 1916.
- Dewey, John, The Public and its Problems, 1927.
- Freire, Paulo, Pedagogy do Oprimido, 1974 [1]
- Gee, James Paul, What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy, 2003.
- Habermas, Jürgen, Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit
- Himanen, Pekka, Hacker Ethics
- Illich, Ivan, Tools for Conviviality [2]
- Illich, Ivan, Deschooling Society [3]
- Lankshear, Colin & Knobel, Michelle, Digital Literacies
- Lessig, Lawrence, The Future of Ideas [4]
- Lessig, Lawrence, Free Culture [5]
- Lash, Scott, The Critique of Information
- Rancière, Jacques, The Ignorant Schoolmaster [6]
- Suoranta, Juha & Vadén, Tere, Wikiworld [7]
- Zizek, Slavoj Cyberspace Lenin - Why Not? [8]